Since Johann is the swimmer in the family, he volunteered to be the parent for the parent and tot swimming class. I must admit it was fun to watch that section of the pool full of women and babies and...Johann. haha.

Henry's "certificate." They accidentally put Johann's name instead. =)
I'm so glad he finally likes swimming. Such a change from last summer when he couldn't touch the water in a big pool without bursting into tears and screams. Good thing too because he was able to go with his aunt and uncle to Seven Peaks this past week. He loved that even more than swimming lessons. Every day since he went with them he has woken up and the first words out of his mouth are, "Nani, Bryan. Big slide. water. FUN!" Hopefully he'll be able to go with them again soon. *wink, wink. nudge, nudge*
I love the pictures of Johann and Henry in the pool. So cute!
One step closer to becoming Aquaman!
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