Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Time

Twas a nice Christmas this year. It would have been nice for Johann and my mom to have more than 2 days off before Christmas but we were mostly prepared and able to enjoy it.

Speaking of preparing, I tried to start a new family tradition this year as we don't really have any currently. I saw a pin about doing a Christmas Eve box and gave it a go. Bad go.
Firstly, he was mortified that I told him to open the box (elves dropped it off on the doorstep) since no one is allowed the open presents until Christmas day.
Secondly, he was personally affronted by the contents of the box. He has an on again, off a again hatred of movies. When he saw "Arthur Christmas" he threw his hand up in the air, said, "THIS IS RIDICULOUS" and went to his room.
Later he finally came out and said we needed to leave cookies, milk and carrots for Santa and the reindeer.
Apparently I chose the wrong to tradition to start.

So while Christmas Eve was not that great, Christmas day was nice.

We woke up and heard Henry's excitement then he ran into our room and yelled, "Santa wrote me a letter!!!", had breakfast and opened stockings and gifts here in AV and then got ready and headed to Riverside to spend Christmas day with the Simonds side of the family.

Santa's gifts to Thea and Henry

waking up to stockings

proof Santa came

Thea's stocking 

mmm. mama's cinnamon rolls. 

Uncle Aaron not only got him another sword but also Hulk hands. Pretty sure his favorite gift.

Johann's new shirt 

Yay to sparing my poor knees!

Miss Thea

Learning to open the presents 

And the cutest little Christmas girl ever

Henry loved all the presents he received and is so lucky to have so many people in his life who love him. The same goes for Thea and it was so much fun to watch her holding the presents or trying to tear the paper.

 Mr. Max opening presents

 Kailee helping baby Apollo open gifts

 With Aunt Nani and Thea

With the cutest little Christmas bear ever

cousin Jeremy and Henry are a dynamic duo

 Thea practicing her sitting up and playing with toys 

Playing Rock 'Em Sock 'Em with Nani

Merry Christmas! 

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