Henry loves doing 'crafts.' He is always asking me when we can do another one because though I would like to be a fantastic mom and have one for him to do every day or at least every week, I usually don't that often. Cinco de Mayo rolled around and he was again asking to do a craft so we decided to make construction paper tacos.

Coloring his tortillia

Putting in the lettuce, tomatoes etc

He said he wanted a picture of him eating his taco. If nothing else this is proof he was born in Utah. Okay, okay so I guess they do it everywhere.
On to mothers day.
First, a shout out to my mama who really is a wonderful mother. She was able to be here in Utah with us when I started to miscarry and it's humbling to realize that no matter how old you are, there are just certain times when you want your mommy to be there too. I really can't think of anyone else who could have been as good a mom to me as her. Love you, mama!
What the day looked like here in Provo:

Trying to get a good picture with Henry before church. This is what motherhood really looks like most of the time for me.

What it looks like on those rare but precious occasions where your child decides to cooperate.

We have 9 o'clock church which means a nice breakfast is pretty much out of the question, so Johann decided to make breakfast for dinner

Henry helped with his favorite portion of preparation, mixing.

French toast, eggs and bacon breakfast. mmm.
*Sidenote: I was SO SO happy to have a ridiculous free Mothers Day sacrament. You know what I'm talking about.
Also, I find it funny that to celebrate Mothers Day, we, as mothers are suppose to relegate all our mothering (and housekeeping) task to our husbands for the day. It doesn't quite make sense. Yet, I'll still let Johann make dinner. =)
I think Mother's Day is the world's way of saying, "You will never get paid time off (or paid monetarily at all). You are always on call. Take a little break." In my brother's ward they had all the men take over during the 3rd hour and had chocolate fondue for all the women. No joke.
Is there a good reason why I didn't know you had a blog? I'm so glad I know. When are you moving to Richfield? We need you and little Henry too and heck, invite the hubs too.
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