Friday, February 20, 2009

Ode to Amanda

A is for always helping me out
M is for deserve some really smart/hot/nice/intelligent man
A is for avocados...thats right I love you as much as avocados...possibly even more
N is for nitrogen because you're a scientist
D is for DUH Amanda is awesome
A is for ax...I hope you catch the next ax murderer at your job!

Okay, so that was a little silly, but the gist of this post is: Amanda we miss you and hope you have an awesome experience with your new job in Philly! You were such an awesome roommate, babysitter and most importantly friend. Thank you for everything!

Amanda is the one who taught Henry how to 'high-five'; now who will teach him cool tricks?! =)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

AW! How cute! i love this post. Especially the N is for Nitrogen part. LOL! I miss you guys!