Monday, May 4, 2009

Catching up (yup...a frequent title for posts on this blog)

Mid-April was pretty hectic time for me in school (final papers, projects, and, well, finals!) so it was nice when I learned Johann would have a week off of work during the madness. Having him home gave me more time for studying than ever before and also provided some nice family time. Of course the weather was beautiful for most of the week because I needed to be inside studying but at one point it was just too nice so we took Henry to the park and I brought my book (yeah, brought, but thats about all I did with that book while we were there).

Henry doesn't do too terribly much at the park yet. Mostly he just likes being outside , walking around and poking things with his index finger. The funniest part is that he has a very serious look on his face the whole time we're outside. Park time is not fun time. It's serious study time. Apparently.

At the end of Johann's week off and the end of my reading days we went with our friends Lev and Elena to Sundance. Johann and I had never gone and it was one of the places we wanted to see prior to leaving Utah. It was still a little chilly and the lifts were still closed so we meandered around and as always, Henry loved being outside.
Not too far into the area there was a "nature center" so we decided to see what was inside. We found all kinds of weird stuff made out of some kind of playdoh-ey substance and random animal bones (ick...bones creep me out). Well, the seven year old in all of us kicked in and everyone had to take a picture with one of the nature center paraphernalia:

Johann's raccoon print

Lena's creepy little unidentified animal skull
Lev's moose print

They peer pressured me into holding the moose (or elk?) skull. I wouldn't touch it with my hands though.

*Speaking of moose, one of the fellows who worked there came in as we were looking at everything and rattled off some facts to us, among them a fact that has made me fear the woods. Apparently moose can run up to 30mph in TOTAL SILENCE. You will never know what has hit you. Eeek!*

Back to the nature center:

Here the boys regressed from 7 to 4 as Johann offers Lev some clay "poop" on some random bone "platter"

And of course, Johann had to have Henry hold the fake poo.

Stopping for a family picture.
A good day.

1 comment:

The comstocks said...

good job on catching up, oh boys with that fake poop it never gets old!!:)