Oh birthdays.
This time is was more like birth-week.
I still just can't decide how I feel about celebrating my birthday. I love doing Henry and Johann's birthdays but I always feel a bit silly about my own. Complex of some sort? I dunno, maybe I'll have Johann diagnose me when he gets home.
I decided this year I would embrace it and since my sister-in-law whose birthday is 2 days before mine moved to Ca, I couldn't just get away with it being the 4 of us and sharing the day of celebrating as we've done the past 3 years. Maybe we'll be able to do that again some day.
So, on to the birthday celebrating.
Wednesday night I have presidency meeting and my kind, thoughtful RS president Tammy surprised me with some cupcakes from the Sweet Tooth Fairy.

I had never tasted one of these yummy treats so I allowed myself to eat one of the red velvet that night and took home one of the chocolate to share for the next day(the two pictured front and center). They were oh so good.
So, Wednesday and Thursday=cupcake sugar highs.
Friday I received a number of happy birthday wishes in the mail. One of which had a check with the perfect amount to treat myself to getting a new shirt (thanks Simonds!), which I went and did that afternoon while Johann watched Henry.
Saturday was our planned celebration day since my actual birthday was on a fast Sunday. Fast Sunday and festivities don't seem to go hand in hand, ya know?
We got up early (not as early as we had planned though) so we could start making a polish honey cake my friend Lena makes and graciously taught me how to make.
The whole process involves a lot of refrigerating so the cake takes anywhere from 16-24 hours.
I made the dough for the layers Friday night and Saturday morning our kitchen turned into a mad house while Johann and I rolled, baked, trimmed and cut layers.

Johann then whisked Henry away to see a production of Babe (you know, that pig) at BYU while I finished assembling the cake, stuck it in the fridge, cleaned up the mess and made cupcakes for the kiddos.
That night we headed to Goodwood where we met up with some friends for dinner. I think Goodwood is something we only do yearly so I quite enjoyed my food. Then they brought out a giant brownie covered with ice cream, chocolate syrup and whip cream. I think all other restaurants should take note: give the birthday boy or girl a huge treat, not an obnoxious song. Good call Goodwood. Everyone who wanted got a taste and there was still some left.
After dinner we came back to our apartment where we met up with those from dinner as well as another family of friends. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the honey cake when completed but here is a picture from a previous occasion when I made it:

We ate cake, talked, opened gifts with the help of Henry and our friend's daught Macie, watched the kids play, talked, I got to hold a little 3 month old baby, and talked some more.
Sunday, I slept. I was so pooped and add the fasting with that...I told Johann, "just let me sleep." So he did, for four hours! Yeesh! I certainly enjoyed it though. =)
Thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate the big 2-4. Thank you for the thoughtful gifts, kind words and being apart of my life! I surely am grateful for it.

Yay, I'm glad you had a happy birthday! I miss celebrating with you guys. It just wasn't the same without you. I didn't even get a cake!
Glad you had a great day. I love your hair! You look super cute!
-This is Elise, I just realized I am logged in under Lowell and am too lazy to change it so instead I write this note which probably takes more effort than changing the log-in. :)
Thanks for having a birthday so we could celebrate with you! The cake was amazing but not as good as your company. Awww.
Those cupcakes are Satan's temptation. Oh man; not what I needed to see during the hungry hours between breakfast and dinner.
Looks like a good time.
I am so glad that you had a good birthday!
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