Friday, September 23, 2016


The weather was wonderful today and between that and having less on my mind to immediately get done I felt like a really content blob. It was the feeling I use to get after finishing a semester at school, where I didn't feel guilty taking a day to be in my pjs and only do a little here and there.

I hung out with Thea and Leo and watched Halloween Boo Fest. 

Then we went outside to water the plants and play, and Thea helped me sweep the patio with all the pine needles from yesterday's intense wind. 

Leo is getting more into playing with toys and it's pretty darn cute. Henry wasn't as in to action figure type stuff, but Leo seems to like all of that. 

The best part of all is finishing dishes after lunch and knowing I'm done with all of that until tomorrow because we're eating out. Henry had a birthday party where they were going to In-N-Out, so we thought it was *only fair* to take the little kids to get some too...we may have also had some. 

Now Johann's getting Henry from the birthday party and Leo is trying to convince me to play the xylophone with him while Thea, our early to bedder is sleeping away. Usually Leo is down by now but he had a late nap, so here we are. 
All in all, a good Friday. 

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