My cousin Nancy and her family were gracious enough to let us stay with them and to feed us. Thank you again, Nancy! Johann's parents also made the three and a half hour drive to come visit us for the day on Saturday and we got to go to the birthday party for the son (Raiden) of my other cousin George.
Friday consisted of lots of nerves waiting for the interview for Johann and myself, but Henry enjoyed having a backyard and new toys to play with. We also got to do a group date with my cousins which was lots of fun. Rare to have a calm dinner out with other adults!

Saturday we met up with Johann's parents and ventured to see the Hoover Dam and Boulder City.

This picture pretty much sums up how we were feeling by the end of our fun quick trip.
The pancake, Burger and fries look delicious!
The two of them passed out together is my favorite.
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