Saturday, September 3, 2011


We've been all settled into our new place in Henderson, NV for a little over a week now. We've done so much moving that we get unpacked and settled in within a matter of days. We're really grateful to have had help from my cousin, George, with all the heavy lifting, my brother, Hamp, who drove a car with some more of our stuff out and Johann's parent's who came and helped with moving and watching Henry. Thanks to all of them, the actual act of moving went pretty smoothly. Not to mention thanks to my other cousin, Nancy, who let us take over her garage for the summer with all our stuff so we only had to load up and move everything a few miles to the new place. The point is-thank you everyone who helped make this move!

So without further adieu, here are pictures of our new place taken at some point earlier in the week.

Front door (also there is dark trim throughout that is not attractive. I don't know what they were thinking with it, but it's less stark in person than picture)

To the left of entering the front door

To the front and right of the front door

To the immediate right of the front door

Back yard, off of the living room

More of the back yard. We are thinking of taking out all the rock and just letting it be dirt so Henry can play out there more easily.

Henry's nook by the dinning room and kitchen.

Open the door and there is the downstairs guest bathroom

Guest bathroom again

Guest bathroom. It has been nice having a bathroom downstairs. Henry doesn't want to be upstairs or downstairs by himself so it's nice not to have to run upstairs every time he needs to potty.



Kitchen. It's nice having a pantry and having way more cupboard space than we've had in any other place.

Entry way into the kitchen from the garage

Garage. Ignore the trash. We missed trash day. Boo.

Stairs right across from garage entrance.

To the left of the stairs, the master bedroom

Master bedroom

Master closet. A little messy but I don't want to invest in organizers since who knows when we'll move again.

Master bedroom, leading into the bathroom


Master bathroom

Hall from master to Henry's room

Look! A built-in time-out nook for Henry, right by his room!

Washer and dryer closet in the hallway

Henry's room

Closet 1 in Henry's room

Henry's again


We were able to make his bed into a full length twin since his room is quite a bit bigger now

Henry's bathroom



Closet 2 in Henry's room.

Whew. That was a lot of pictures. We really like our place. There is a little community pool and spa that have never been too crowded and it is pretty quiet. Henry loves getting to go swimming so much. The funniest part is being asked for cigarettes every time we run into someone but other than that people just kind of keep to themselves. Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed the tour!


SSToone said...

Thank you! This is great! You have some nice stuff - looks very well put together esp. for how long you've been in there! Is that a Melissa and Doug calender or chore chart by the door? Very curious about those!

Joshua and Rachel said...

Nice! It looks like a beautiful place. I am glad that you are all moved in. It is the worst having to unpack, especially when it takes a long time.

Lauren said...

I love your place too! I especially like the master bathroom and Henry's little nook! Cute!

Maren said...

I love house tours! It's so nice to get everything in place (or at least mostly so). :)